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These Alternative Flours Are Popping Up Everywhere
Let the plant-based baking begin!

Genius new fruit and vegetable flours will give you a boost of nutrients and cool place on taste. Make sweet potato infused cornbread, apple flavor muffins, or chicken tenders breaded with "broccoli". Hearthy Foods created the flours from dehydrated and milled produce also including kale, carrots, and more. Use them in baking and cooking as well as well as a thickening for soups and smoothies.
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Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Hearthy Apple Flour

Hearthy Apple Flour
We were so intrigued with the fruit and vegetable flours from Hearthy Foods. Banana flour, carrot flour, mango flour and our pick for today, apple flour. It’s nothing but apple, organic Washington state apples to be exact. We don’t know how they turn the apples into flour, but the smell and the taste are definitely all apple. The flour is sweet like apples, too, but there’s no sugar. So it makes a nice sweetener for your cup of tea as well as a flour substitute for your next coffee cake. We found we particularly liked all these flours mixed into pancake batter, but check their website for dozens of uses.
$14.99 per 16-ounce package of apple flour. Available on Amazon or at Coming later this year to Whole Foods.
http://atlantarestaurants. up-three-different-ways-to- enjoy-apples/
The product of the Year 2017 in
Hearthy Foods | Whole Flours
Why we love them: These are dried and then milled whole foods for 100% organic, one-ingredient fruit and vegetable flours such as Almond, Apple, Banana, Butternut Squash, Carrot, Cassava, Mango, Oat, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, and Yams.
Sustainability: 100% plant-based, organic, vegan, gluten-free. Made in USA.
Ingredients: One ingredient flours.
Featured in Sharon Palmer's blog...
Hearthy Foods Flours is on Sharon Palmers Ten Favorite Things
I am loving all of these alternative flours that are coming out these days, showing us that we can bake with many types of flours that come from plants. These are some new ones I’ve tried. The apple flour really has a taste of apples! I made some amazing apple pancakes with it. And the sweet potato flour is screaming to be used in pumpkin muffins.
- Gluten Free Boston and Beyond
Hearthy Organic Pumpkin Flour
- Gluten Free Boston and Beyond
Hearthy Foods Gluten Free Pies
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