Apple Black and White Cookies GF That Will Save Your Life
One of flours I love to use every season is apple flour. In the summer and spring, I use a small amount of apple flour as a binder when I’m baking breads and muffins. The naturally occurring pectin in apple flour acts as an effective gluten-replacement, and it doesn’t cause the same digestive issues that gums and psyllium husk cause many people. Foods baked with apple flour retain their moisture longer, as well. I don’t use enough apple flour in these baked goods that the apple flavor is obvious. During the fall and winter, however, I use enough apple flour in many of the foods I prepare to achieve a pronounced, yet subtle, apple flavor. Apple flour, with a little cinnamon added, for example, makes my delicious appley-spice-y gluten-free cookies absolutely announce the waning of summer and the arrival of autumn.
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